The newest obsession I've found is
I'm in charge of our family's finances and I can get a bit obsessive about it. I haven't figured out everything that has to offer, but what I have found I love. You enter in all your information and it logs you in to all the different financial institutions with which you have loans, savings/checking accounts, IRA accounts, 403b, etc. They gather all your information and log your spending. They also give you updates on your spending habits and if you put a budget together, they tell you how close you are to going over those specified amounts each month. It can be programmed to send alerts when your accounts go over or under a certain amount and you can track EVERYTHING! I've used other online systems like this one, and is by far the most comprehensive.
I also looked at (Remember the Milk)
I also enjoyed this one because of my obsessive compulsiveness. And the fact that my husband is a man, which means he doesn't remember anything I ask of him...sorry Kevin.
This allows you to make lists online then be able to access it from your Blackberry, iPhone, Google calendar, or I think you can even make a gadget on a blog that would remind you of the things you have to do. I made my list available on my phone, but I just signed up for it yesterday so my list now is very large. We'll see how long I keep going with updating it!
The last site I looked at was It's an online store of sorts that is stricly hand-made/artist/made items for you to purchase. You can search by product type, by artist, etc. There are a lot of cool and unique gift ideas and although some are prices as you would think when it's a handmade item, there's still a lot that's reasonable. Each artist gives a little bio and stipulates their own rules for purchase, shipping and returns. It seems like a great place to find gifts for yourself or others while you're supporting individuals instead of Walmart! And now I'm spending way too much time searching for goodies for myself!
I will try to use the website. Hopefully, it will make me rich real fast!